Friday, August 3, 2012

Gosh Darn It... It's almost been a year since my last post...

I'm not sure what I have been doing with myself...

I used to enjoy writing, very much... But I've been trying to detach myself from the computer and enjoy life more... But there are days like these... Where work is slow and my mind wanders to what other things I can do with my time...


This is just an intro... To set myself up to writing more and more...

For the most part I was just trying to figure out all these new features that were added... & that took about 20 minutes go figure out... Lmao...

I wanna share a lot of stories... Lots of stories from this past year... With lots of pictures & what nots... Not sure if I should just jist it or write it one at a time... I guess you'll see in the next week what I end up doing...

For now, this is just a hello! I'm not blogger dead... Just taking a year break...

But I'm back baby!!!

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